Extra Virgin Olive Oil (EVOO)… Nature’s Liquid Gold

It is widely recognised as one of the worlds healthiest oils. In fact, people tend to live longer and healthier lives in regions where extra virgin olive oil is a staple part of their diet.

EVOO’s unique flavour makes it a cherished ingredient for many chefs around the world. EVOO is known colloquially as ‘liquid gold’ for its recognised health benefits and culinary functionality. Including EVOO in the diet can help to reduce the risk of a range of chronic lifestyle diseases including heart disease, stroke, diabetes and neurodegenerative diseases, among others.

Extra Virgin Olive Oil is the highest quality olive oil available.

EVOO is extracted from the olive fruit without the use of high heat or chemicals. This results in a high natural antioxidant content.

  • Absolutely! And we want you to cook with it. Studies show that cooking with EVOO can increase the nutrient content of food. It is a myth that EVOO cannot be used for high temperature cooking. EVOO undergoes less degradation during cooking than other edible oils. It is suitable for all home cooking, including sautéing, frying and baking.

  • On average, 25 - 50ml per day is most strongly associated with health benefits in healthy populations. Research from the Australian Mediterranean diet interventions recommend three to four tablespoons (60-80ml) of EVOO per day.

  • EVOO is extremely versatile and can be used in so many sweet and savoury dishes across all meals and snacks throughout the day. You can cook seasonal vegetables with EVOO, use it as an alternative to margarine or butter, make homemade salad dressings and use EVOO as a base ingredient in marinades for a variety of meats and seafoods. Coming soon to our web page… RECIPES. Stay tuned.

  • Pop the cap on nice and tight and place your bottle or tin in a cool, dark place away from light and heat.

